Singing “My Praise”.

2016 SW 300dpi Cover2 (2) (1)Singing “My Praise” should be a fairly easy task for just about anyone… well, as long as you have good breath control. The range of this song is fairly small and doesn’t have many large jumps. With the exception of a short bridge, the melody for the verse and chorus doesn’t go above the C#, so the range of the song should feel relaxed and comfortable.

The only difficulty with this song may be the long notes. The long sustained “A” on the word “Praise” does extend for a little long. So make sure the singers are ready for a little breath control… or you could also speed up the song. Either Way, this song does have a large feel to it.

Unlike some of the previous Moment of Worship albums, the background vocals are not very prevalent on this album. I did manage to get a high harmony on all the songs of this album. However, they are fairly low in the mix. With the song centering around the middle “A”, a high male voice or low female voice should be able to find some great sounding higher harmonies.

Listen to “My Praise” on YouTube.